Wednesday 16 May 2012

At the restaurant

Yesterday, the 3rd grade pupils "went to the restaurant" in the english class and had delicious food.


I like fish
I don´t like chicken
I love salad
Can I have some macaroni, please? Yes, here you are. Thank you!
Have you got orange juice?
What do you want to drink?
And for dessert?
Hmmmmm! Delicious!

Tuesday 1 May 2012

May Day

The first day of May is known as May Day. In Britain, as in most parts of Western Europe, May day marked the end of the cold winter months and welcome the beginning of Summer.

It is celebrated all around the country, especially on the first of May with music, dancing and games.

Dancing around the May Pole

Monday 23 April 2012

International Book Day

The International Day of the Book is celebrated on 23rd April, because it´s the date when two very important writers died in 1.616: The famous spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes, who wrote "El Quijote" and the famous British writer William Shakespeare who wrote "Romeo and Juliet".

Miguel de Cervantes- Spanish  writer

"El Quijote"

William Shakespeare- English writer

Today we also celebrate Saint George, the patron saint of England.

Sunday 1 April 2012

April Fools Day- April 1st

April begins with a day of fun and jokes: April´s Fool Day. No one really knows when this custom began but it has been kept for hundreds of years.
You can only play April Fool jokes before midday.
A very famous joke in Britain was in 1957 when a TV programme made a documentary about a family who cultivated spaghetti trees!   Many people believed it and phoned to ask for the tree.
Spaghetti harvest

Saturday 31 March 2012

Happy Easter!

Click on the picture to play a game about easter. Remember: bunny, egg, hunting, ...

If you want to practise more, you can go to: : Games, puzzles and colouring : Resources

Tuesday 27 March 2012


This is your present: Today London came to visit us in the school and brought some funny stickers from the USA to decorate easter eggs. We were working with Zuania too and we made these fantastic decorations.
Zuania and London, american language assistants

Final picture: 5th and 6th grade

Lunch with teachers after school

Friday 23 March 2012

I´ve got a present for you!

 Don´t open it until next week!!!

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Saint Patrick´s Day

Do you remember this  interactive EDILIM game, made and published by Belén Junquera about St. Patrick´s celebration in Ireland? Some of you have worked with it in the english classroom. Enjoy it and practise again!!!

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Monday 19 March 2012

Our friends from Cantabria

Do you remember these boys and girls? They have a nice blog where you can see a video of their experiences in Solanillos.

click here to see their blog

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Let´s remember!

Por fin, as ansiadas fotos de Guadalajara, cun fantástico remake para que disfrutedes e recordedes un pouquiño o que vivíchedes durante eses días: tye-dying, build houses with natural materials, the karaoke session, the trip to the forest... And remember that it is very important to practice what you have learnt, or you will forget it.

Friday 9 March 2012

We had a visitor!

Carla is Zuania´s friend and she came to visit the students on Monday, March 5th, 2012.  She is from Florida, United States.  We had a lot of fun talking and playing with her!

8th March - Women´s Day

"Because a working woman is a free woman"

Thursday 1 March 2012

More... wild animals

After hard job, this is the final result. Can you guess the teachers´ "wildself"? I think it´s really funny!

Wednesday 29 February 2012


Aquí vos deixamos unhas fotiños sobre os traballos realizados polos nenos de 3º, "Animals: mammals, anphibians, fish, reptils and birds". Se queredes saber un pouquiño máis, podédesvos achegar ata a súa clase, onde están expostos estos fantásticos posters. Enjoy it!

2012, a leap year

leap year  is a year containing one additional day.  February in a leap year has 29 days, instead of the usual 28, so the year lasts 366 days instead of the usual 365. 

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Shrove Tuesday

 In the UK, it´s also known as Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Tuesday . It is the one day of the year when almost everyone eats a pancake.

They also have "pancake races"

...and "pancake tossing"

Wednesday 15 February 2012

It´s carnival time!

Build your wildself. Click on this picture and build your own fantastic animal.
Atopades algún parecido???

        Lembrade que se queredes que publiquemos no blog o voso propio "Wildself", só tedes que facelo na casa, ó rematar: "I´m done" e gardas a imaxe como "desktop". Despois tráela nun pen drive e, cando teñamos suficientes,publicarémolas para que todos as poidan ver e adiviñar who is who?(sempre que poñades só a vosa inicial en lugar do nome completo). Recollerémolos á volta das vacacións, o xoves e venres.
Esperamos as vosas aportacións! Se tedes algunha dúbida podedes enviar un comentario e procuraremos responder.
 Enjoy your carnival!!!

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Have a nice St. Valentine´s Day!

It´s a traditional celebration in anglo-saxon countries, spread to other countries during the XXth century where  it´s celebrated on the  14th of February, (St.  Valentine). In some countries it´s  also known as "Day of love and friendship".
In Britain, people celebrate St. Valentine´s day sending cards

Monday 13 February 2012

Charles Dickens

 He is a very famous english writter. He was born in Porstmouth, in 1812. When he was young he lived in London.
His father went to jail because he had some debts, so he had to start working when he was twelve years old.
He worked as a journalist in The Mirror of Parliament and in The Morning Chronicle.
Some of his most important novels are David Copperfield, Oliver Twist, Hard Times and Great Expectations.
This is a video about his life.

 And now, let see the most famous scene of Oliver Twist (it's easy to understand, try!):



You can recycle your old tins to make a pencilholder. You will need:
A tin, glue, water, paintbrushes, posterpaint and paper towel.

First, cover the tin with the paper towel, and use a paintbrush to extend the mix formed by glue and water on the surface.

Let the tin get dry, and then, paint with posterpaint.

And this is the final result.