Wednesday 29 February 2012


Aquí vos deixamos unhas fotiños sobre os traballos realizados polos nenos de 3º, "Animals: mammals, anphibians, fish, reptils and birds". Se queredes saber un pouquiño máis, podédesvos achegar ata a súa clase, onde están expostos estos fantásticos posters. Enjoy it!

2012, a leap year

leap year  is a year containing one additional day.  February in a leap year has 29 days, instead of the usual 28, so the year lasts 366 days instead of the usual 365. 

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Shrove Tuesday

 In the UK, it´s also known as Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Tuesday . It is the one day of the year when almost everyone eats a pancake.

They also have "pancake races"

...and "pancake tossing"

Wednesday 15 February 2012

It´s carnival time!

Build your wildself. Click on this picture and build your own fantastic animal.
Atopades algún parecido???

        Lembrade que se queredes que publiquemos no blog o voso propio "Wildself", só tedes que facelo na casa, ó rematar: "I´m done" e gardas a imaxe como "desktop". Despois tráela nun pen drive e, cando teñamos suficientes,publicarémolas para que todos as poidan ver e adiviñar who is who?(sempre que poñades só a vosa inicial en lugar do nome completo). Recollerémolos á volta das vacacións, o xoves e venres.
Esperamos as vosas aportacións! Se tedes algunha dúbida podedes enviar un comentario e procuraremos responder.
 Enjoy your carnival!!!

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Have a nice St. Valentine´s Day!

It´s a traditional celebration in anglo-saxon countries, spread to other countries during the XXth century where  it´s celebrated on the  14th of February, (St.  Valentine). In some countries it´s  also known as "Day of love and friendship".
In Britain, people celebrate St. Valentine´s day sending cards

Monday 13 February 2012

Charles Dickens

 He is a very famous english writter. He was born in Porstmouth, in 1812. When he was young he lived in London.
His father went to jail because he had some debts, so he had to start working when he was twelve years old.
He worked as a journalist in The Mirror of Parliament and in The Morning Chronicle.
Some of his most important novels are David Copperfield, Oliver Twist, Hard Times and Great Expectations.
This is a video about his life.

 And now, let see the most famous scene of Oliver Twist (it's easy to understand, try!):



You can recycle your old tins to make a pencilholder. You will need:
A tin, glue, water, paintbrushes, posterpaint and paper towel.

First, cover the tin with the paper towel, and use a paintbrush to extend the mix formed by glue and water on the surface.

Let the tin get dry, and then, paint with posterpaint.

And this is the final result.

Wednesday 8 February 2012


 Esta semana e a que ven estamos de exames, así que  LEMBRADE:

- Ademáis do último tema que vimos de rematar, hai que repasar os anteriores tamén e non "borrar" o que xa sabemos.

- Para estudar inglés é imprescindible usar lápis e papel.

- Ademáis do vocabulario, debedes practicar as frases das historias e do activity book.

- Todos tedes un estupendo CD-ROM que, ademáis de ser moi divertido, axuda a repasar todos os aspectos  que vos acabo de lembrar e ademáis o "listening".

Ánimo e ó estudo!

Wednesday 1 February 2012